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Accessory Design

In Take Flight, I wanted to incorporate my collections inspiration and thesis throughout the accessories I developed. Throughout my collection, I wanted to focus on the element of functionality by giving fashion a purpose, creating value, and design garments to be wearable for all occasions. With this idea of functionality, I wanted to create functional accessories that were made from leftover materials and through repurposing older accessories and luggages to make them new again. From my accessory process sketching, I developed a few from this assortment.

The Cornelia Clutch: Developed from scrap jumpsuit fabric and dead stock D-rings

The Phoebe Omlie Handbag: Created from paracords, vinyl, acrylic-rod and laser-cut base, and 3D printed handles and keychain.

For this accessories, I collaborated with another Marist Capping Group: No Waste Left Behind, that aims to deliver sustainable parts to the fashion, auto, tech, and medical industries by 3D printing trims and findings out of post-consumer plastics. With this collaboration, I was able to 3D print handles and the floral-motif keychain.

Repurposed Luggage Accessories:

The Elsie Pickles Luggage and The Doris Hat Box Luggage

©2018 by Katrina Leigh Henry. Proudly created with

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